Excellence, agility and dedication – key operational values of the Royal Australian Airforce that the PCB team share as a dedicated building and construction partner.When tasked with delivering an innovative solution to the ongoing safety concerns associated with the cracking of skylights on the roof of Hangar 523 at Richmond Airbase we responded swiftly and decisively. The cracking of the glass within the skylights was presenting a risk of fragments of glass falling in to the populated maintenance hangar below. The project required that skylight systems be remediated in Hangar 523, whilst the building remained occupied.
PCB devised a number of unique approaches to these works so as to both remediate the issues present, and to complete the works within a tight timeframe, whilst not hindering the vital activities of the building and its occupants. To fix the ongoing safety issues with cracked skylight glazing, PCB removed all glass and replaced it with a translucent ‘Laserlite’ sheet. The product provided is lightweight yet retains high tensile strength in the prevailing conditions, thus ensuring that the installation would not crack under high winds, or increase loading upon the roof, but also ensuring that ‘Lux’ levels were not inhibited within the building by installing a roof sheeting or timber product. This product also provided for a permanent installation rather than an expensive temporary solution to the safety concerns. PCB also devised a unique working platform installation upon the roof surface, and catch platforms within the building, so as to ensure that the works could proceed swiftly whilst not causing areas of the hangar to be indefinitely closed.