Police blocked off all roads surrounding Malabar RSL after winds of more than 100km/h partially ripped off its roof and caused sheets of asbestos to fly onto nearby homes and roads.Hundreds of homes had also been damaged by the freak weather system that tore a path of destruction through parts of Sydney.
As the registered HAZMAT consultant to NSW emergency services, PCB’s director Carlton Addison, was called into Malabar, Sydney, to advise the local emergency services on how to manage and remove the Asbestos. PCB worked with local emergency services, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and NSW State Emergency Service (SES) on establishing the location all hazardous materials scattered in the storm and working out the clean-up. Fire and Rescue NSW HAZMAT crews continued to clear asbestos from a number of streets which were expected to be closed to traffic for another 24 hours. The entire operation saw all abestos posing a risk to the general public removed by the following morning. PCB continues to asisst and consult NSW emergency and government services with HAZMAT removals and operations as they arise.